Interning in Quarantine: 6 Things I’ve Learned as a First Time Remote Worker

Alyssa Gagliardi
8 min readJul 20, 2020

My commute to the office looks a little bit different under Covid-19… about a few seconds, and perhaps a little longer on Mondays as I shake off the weekend.

When I finally manage to get out of bed, I make my way downstairs to my favourite café — free self-served fruits and tea, and best of all: PJs are welcomed.

I’m greeted by a small dog who mostly wants in on whatever I decide to throw together. I eat, sneak her a bite, and then it’s back upstairs to my bedroom desk to start the day…

When Ontario, alongside the rest of the world, began shutting down in March, I was certain my summer months would be split evenly between dwelling over the lost lasts of my undergrad and the longest Netflix binge of my life. Never did I expect to be sitting here writing about my first remote corporate internship.

About a month prior, I had spent most of February speaking to numerous people in marketing at RBC. After a few interviews and remaining hopeful, I received an offer to work as a Coordinator in Investments Marketing. From then on, I couldn’t help but daydream about my summer in Downtown Toronto… looking back, I can’t help but laugh.

In the midst of all the chaos, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard of RBC’s decision to go through with their summer internship program. Of course, I was disappointed that it would run entirely online, but I didn’t hate the idea of that extra bit of sleep I’d be getting every morning.

While that still holds true, I quickly realized that operating a work environment in the same space as my personal life is far more difficult in practice. Between all the little distractions and the need to be self-motivated, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to be productive at home.

So, as more of us begin to navigate this new means of work, I’ve compiled 6 personal lessons I think are worth sharing:

1: Pick up the phone

This new-found virtual workspace can seem daunting and overwhelming at times. In my unique case, I hadn’t actually met any members of my team in person. This made it especially strange to connect at first and I couldn’t help but feel a sort of disconnect for the first little bit of my internship.

In a social environment like an office (especially from the great things I’d heard about RBC), company culture is a prominent aspect of most employees’ work experience. Although we have the tools to remain connected online, that human component is sort of lost in translation without those small daily face to face interactions.

You may find yourself so wrapped up in your own work that you log off for the day without having even spoken to anyone on your team. While this isn’t usually intentional, going without those short “hello’s” can be isolating.

Nearly every week my team has a status call. We meet on WebEx and chat well beyond work activities to remain connected. Although I haven’t had the chance to see any of them face to face, these calls have humanized my internship and allowed me to experience that culture that I’ve heard so much about. I’ve also made it a goal of mine to connect with as many people as I can in different areas of the bank and check-in routinely with a few of the other interns.

It’s easy to detach yourself from those around you when you’re not with them in the same space, but it’s necessary to push yourself to check in with your teammates. Whether it be once a week or more, you’re all in this together and you shouldn’t have to tackle this rather peculiar new world on your own.

2: Don’t cut the morning commute

I’m not going to sugar coat it — the impact this pandemic has had on our every day routines is exceptional. A lot of us have been consumed by feelings of anxiety, not knowing what tomorrow brings and wondering when life will return to “normal” (whatever that means). While I did experience these very same thoughts and emotions, I’ve found small ways to overcome them and embrace this new way of living. Sticking to a routine is one of them.

If you work in a large city like Toronto, commuting can take up a significant portion of your workweek and although the ability to work from home dissolves any time spent on the road, this isn’t to say you should abandon the morning commute entirely. Routine and habitual preparation have a significant impact on productivity. Sure, those extra couple hours of sleep are a dream (no pun intended), but once you hop on the struggle bus that is getting up 10 minutes before 9:00, there’s no getting off.

Every morning I make a conscious effort to get up at least 40 minutes before I start work. This gives me enough time to get dressed, make something to eat, and dedicate enough time to my skincare routine (FYI: SPF is essential, even indoors). It sets the tone for my day — better allowing me to prioritize my time and control my schedule, rather than it controlling me.

This small bit of leeway will give you ample time to take on the day with more energy and mindfulness. So, allow yourself that extra time to wake up and take care of yourself before you dive into those emails.

3: Create a comfortable workspace

This one was incredibly difficult for me at first. As my mom and I both began working from home at the same time (and rid of an existing office space), my first week on the job was spent experimenting with what would work best for the both of us. I ultimately decided on reconstructing my bedroom into my own personal home office and although those midday nap temptations are strong, I’ve been making it work.

It’s so important to create a relaxing, yet productive space that you can operate in. On top of the many distractions that already reside at home, desk clutter can cause you to shift your attention to things that are not relevant to your work and ultimately impact your ability to focus on the task at hand.

Every morning I wake up, make my bed and open the blinds enough for the sun to peek through and every evening I make sure to tidy up my desk area so that it’s ready for the next day.

Find a quiet, clean space with natural light. If this means operating from your backyard, deck, or balcony, so be it! The best part about remote work is that there are no rules. It’s about finding what works best for you in your unique situation.

4: Can this wait until tomorrow?

When both your workplace and personal life reside under one roof, it can be difficult to unplug. Even worse, the two can begin to blend into one another. I mean, when everyone is working on their own schedule and means of work are easily accessible, it’s difficult not to feel bound to your workspace. When does the day really start? End?

Maybe you’re about to log off for the day and another email comes through. It can be difficult to remove yourself without the ability to physically leave the office. Yet, it’s important to ask yourself: “can this wait until tomorrow?” because more often than not, the answer is yes.

While the temptation to work beyond your scheduled hours is very much there, it’s crucial to understand balance and when it’s time to step away. Every morning I draft out what my day will look like — what times I have meetings and when I plan on completing each task. This gives me a sense of what I’m able to accomplish so that I don’t find myself distracted midday and slipping into overtime. Sticking to those daily goals is what will keep you motivated, and the personal and professional separated.

5: Okay now put the phone away

When you’re a few feet from your bed, have family members and pets invading your office space and there’s no one around to keep you from scouring the web, it can be difficult to not let your distractions consume you.

While it may seem overwhelming at times, you need to remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can in the given circumstances. For a lot of us, remote work is a brand-new concept, and without your co-workers around to keep you motivated, it can be especially difficult to remain focused.

As someone who’s distracted easily, I’ve been very honest with myself about what keeps me from being productive. I know that if my phone’s in sight, I could easily get lost scrolling through my Twitter feed or something else of the sort, so I always keep it on the other side of the room to avoid that interference.

You know yourself best. Think about what minor changes you can make to limit potential setbacks in your day, but also give yourself moments to reset. Every hour or so I’ll grab my phone for 5 minutes or head downstairs to get away from my office space. When you use those distractions as moments to de-stress rather than allowing them to bleed into your work, you’ll find yourself energized and ready to take on your next task.

6: You’re going to have bad days

Regardless of how positive I come across in this piece, that isn’t to say that I haven’t struggled with this whole experience. Life is weird right now and that doesn’t even begin to sum it up. Every day the news is filled with so much negativity and it’s hard to know when we’ll even feel a glimpse of how things used to be.

As I said, a lot of us are riddled with feelings of anxiety and it’s difficult to not let that affect our work. There are days when I feel burnt out and unable to take on the day as I usually would, and that’s okay — I don’t beat myself up over it. We’re all doing the best we can and that’s all we really can do. Stay connected, take breaks, and remember to check in with yourself.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives.”

I hope these tips were helpful as we all learn to navigate our virtual workspaces. Let us not take this as a setback, but instead, learn to embrace the new normal.



Alyssa Gagliardi

Media grad with too much to say, so I began writing it all down.